Tom has announced a new fundraising campaign, read about it below. You can donate by going to Tom’s fundraising page.

“Help Tony Fitzjohn OBE to save and fence the front line Somali border of “Kora” , the remote Kenyan national park and reintroduce the black rhino, lion and wild dog back to their old home.”Fitz is one of my best friends. He and his wife lucy hosted me and my documentary team recently in his home camp in Mkomazi, Tanzania. He has become my conservation father. , he is one of the most important figures in African conservation working today. We have a vital project, a project huge in ambition and scale but attainable with the full cooperation of the Kenyan government and wildlife services. A project to save a national park from the ravages of Somali poaching. A plan to fence and rewild a once great ecosystem with rhino and wild dogs and lion. A plan to restore Kora as the remote jewel in east Africa’s wilderness crown. A project on the front line.
The Kora/ Fitzjohn story so far:
45 year East African conservation legend Tony Fitzjohn OBE is going home. Back to the wildest, most game ravaged region of northern Kenya, the place where he cut his teeth as apprentice and righthand man to the great George Adamson ( of born free fame)
Tony has decided he wants to finish the job he started with George before his murder at the hands of somali Shifta bandits in 1989.
He is going back to the front line of conservation. The physical border with Kenyans arid northern frontier district and somali land.
This time he has the experience, the loyal trusted team, the logistical hardware and the political will to save this region from the ravages of poaching.
He has been invited by the kenyan goverment to take on the challenge. He has the full back up of Kenya wildlife services ( KWS) finest anti poaching unit and their top warden and loyal political allies.
He plans to fence the norther border of this vast 1700 sq km national park. He has done it before. Mkomazi, Northern Tanzania’s blueprint for 100 percent effective rhino and wild dog conservation and his proof of concept for the past 22 years.( I’ve been here)
Fitz needs our help.The cost to fund the initial fence line is approx $4.3 million usd.
We have 1/3 funded which Olly Williams (OllyandSuzi expeditions) have found privately.KWS will come in for another 1/3. We are looking for the last third
I am dedicated to making this happen. please helpTommy